What is the difference between WiFi 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz ?

What is the difference between WiFi 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz ?

Not all Wi-Fi connections are the same or have the same characteristics, connection distance… Both wireless frequencies have a different range, the 2.4GHz being farther than the 5GHz. If you ever listen or are given a choice between both frequencies, always choose 2.4GHz, but let's see what the differences are between one and the other.

The main difference lies in the maximum speed and network range that the two frequencies can reach. To do this, you have to know and understand that these two types of WiFi have their own channels, standard, network range, speed, and different interferences. Many old devices that we have at home may only pick up a 2.4GHz signal since it is the one that has been established the longest and the most used, while the 5GHz is much newer.

For this reason, and having more devices connected to the 2.4GHz signal, there may be more interference than with the 5GHz signal. This first one will also have fewer channels, so you may first notice that the connection is a bit slower compared to the 5GHz signal.

Meanwhile, 5GHz Wifi is the least used, and the one that causes the least interference. Likewise, it also has more channels and reaches speeds of up to 867 Mbps, ideal for fiber, while the 2.4GHz supports lower connection speeds, usually between 50 and 60 Mbps maximum.

Despite this higher network speed, the 2.4Ghz WiFi network is wider than the 5GHz WiFi, which has a lower coverage range in comparison. While the 2.4GHz signal can easily reach all corners of your home, the same will not happen with 5GHz, so in the end, despite being faster, you may not have good connection stability depending on what parts of your home.

Distance versus internet speed

That said, when choosing which WiFi frequency to use, you must have one thing clear above all the others: the place from where you are going to use that device. As we have mentioned before, 5GHz WiFi has much less range than 2.4GHz, so it is something that you should take into account if you want to navigate away from the router, because in the end, even if it is faster if the distance is long, it won't do any good.

The 2.4GHz is more suitable for electronic devices where coverage is important, such as mobile phones or tablets. Also, keep in mind that your router will generally offer you two options, a 5G (which has nothing to do with the 5G of the mobile, but is the abbreviation of 5GHz) and another with the normal SSID name. So, if you plan to change the name of the SSID, identify well which of the two it is and keep writing it down.